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BB-24 Starrett 24" Brass Bound Hardwood Level
505A-12 Starrett 12* Protractor for Miter Cuts
505A-7 Starrett 7* Protractor for Miter Cuts
CP505A-12 Starrett 12* Combination Protractor (miter cuts, single cuts, protractor, roof pitches)
SB6-A Starrett Reciprocating Saw Blade Set
SM44W Measure stix- steel measure tape with adhesive backing 1/2"x4', reading left to right
ASE-60 2" x 60" Starrett Aluminum Straight Edge 1/8" Reading on One Edge 1/16" on the Other
SM412W Measure stix- steel measure tape with adhesive backing 1/2"x12', reading left to right
O510-50 Starrett Long Line Tape 3/8" x 50' Orange
SM66W Measure stix- steel measure tape with adhesive backing 3/4"x6',reading left to right
SM46WRL Measure stix- steel measure tape with adhesive backing 1/2"x6', reading right to left
Y1-25 Measuring Tapes 1x25'Tru-Lok tape (S1 grad) yellow<
ASE-24 2" x 24" Starrett Aluminum Straight Edge 1/8" Reading on One Edge 1/16" on the Other
SM412WRL Measure stix- steel measure tape with adhesive backing 1/2"x12', reading right to left
S011 Starrett ProSite Hidden Edge Utility Knife
'439-18 Starrett Builder''s Combination Tool 18*'
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